
Thursday, February 21, 2013


  1. courage is:                            
  2. being brave
  3. daring
  4. risk taking
  5. steadfastness
  6. being immovable in doing what is right
  7. standing firm goodness

courage to say ''yes''to
  1. being kind
  2. sticking to what is right
  3. being honest
  4. being friendly
  5. working hard in school
  6. living by the rules
  7. being a good sport
  8. helping other people

courage to say ''no'' to
  1. illegal drugs 
  2. smoking
  3. any tobacco products
  4. alochol
  5. cussing
  6. telling inappropriate jokes
  7. visiting inappropriate websites
  8. cheating 
  9. being dishonest

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