
Monday, January 7, 2013

     Effective study methods part 1
 My test study method: when it comes time to study for the test, I usually start 2-3 days before the test. I go through my notes and make flashcards on what was important for those sections paying special attention to what the teacher said would be on the test if there was a review session. Also I go through the book and red the problems or online assignments or old test I use those to help me study for test as well. Once the test is over I keep the flashcards so that I have them for the next test or for the final. Flash cards are a marvelous learning tool. The key to remembering something is to repeat it numerous times spaced rehearsal. If you forget something. It is because you haven’t repeated it enough times for an extended period time. Repetition is a law of learning therefore, to learn and remember. You may be thinking oh no repeating something. You need to get used to it. For example the more you practice a song on the piano the biter you become at playing the song. Learning and remerging is like playing the piano the more you practice doing it the better you can remember it. Look now at what you remember. You remember it because you have repeated it numerous times since first being exposed to it. So practice rehearsing those things you desire to remember and they will stick with you.
Choose the right!!

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